Saturday, February 20, 2016

Trade Alert

As many of us basketball fans know the trade deadline was few days ago and the Cavs decided to make a move. They traded the long time Cav Anderson Varejao , Yes yes I know very sad this man has played his entire career in Cleveland his contributions to the team over those 12 years were great. However he hasn't been the Same since he got hurt last year not the Varejao of old that you are custom to seeing. Varejao was traded to the not so good Orlando Magic for Channing Frye in my eyes its  good trade Channing Frye is a great shooter and a capable defender with his 6ft10 -6ft11 frame. He can knock down the 3 and keep the opposing teams defense honest by honoring his shooting ability in doing that he opens up the paint giving King James and the slippery Kyrie room the work. Give the best player in the world room to work and surround him with all the shooters the team has to offer plus their new edition Channing Frye Id say you have a recipe for a championship. I'm not going to jump to any conclusions just yet its to early but if all things go well and he (Frye) jells with the team I see nothing but good things. So all in all I give this trade
 Image result for thumbs up emoji

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