Saturday, April 9, 2016

PLAYOFFS ?!?!?!?

The cavs have decided to listen to what I was saying and rest there key players only playing one or two at a time. Which is a smart move glad you seen my post and decided it was what's best for the time. Moving on with the playoffs in reach I think some predictions are to be made so I'm going to weigh in on who I think comes out of the first round and who I believe the match ups to be. In the East I have Cleveland beating the pacers in 6 Paul George won't be enough in my eyes to stop the cavs. The Raptors over Detroit in 6, Hawks over Michael Jordan's Bobcats in 5, and Heat beat the Celtics in 7. Now on to the West I believe the Warriors will end up playing Houston (who will make it into the last seed) in 4, Suprs over Dallas in 4 as well , Thunder over the Grizzles in 5, and last Clippers over the trailblazers In 6. There you have it my predictions on the first round if you disagree and think some things should be changed drop it in my comments.

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