There has been a lot of talk about LeBron unfollowing the Cavs organization of Social Media sites. I don't see why its such a big deal if the man wants to do something he is a grown man let him do it with out having to answer for it. I mean come on would you liked if every time you liked a girls picture for your girl friend to question you about it or vice versa for you women out their? No. I think not you'd feel like your significant other was crazy, controlling , and stalking you I mean how does he or she know what pictures your liking that's another story. You get what I'm tryin to say thou he should be able to express his mind through his social sites as he pleases and follow or unfollow who ever he wants. We shouldn't get mad at him either because he refuses to talk about why he did what he did I could see if he was caught with drugs, or God forbid but had a little Kobe Bryant issues but he didn't. He simply unfollowed the Cavs its not like he said he was leaving or expressed displeasure being there people just need to stop being so nosey and story hungry (meaning trying to make a story out off nothing really) and mind their business because that's what he's trying to do. Its ok I got ya back LeBron keep doing what your doing and get this ring.
I totally agree with you. They should just let him be. They make everything a much bigger deal than it should be.