Friday, April 1, 2016

New Found Youth

Lebron James these past few games has been very impressive with his flashy dunks and constant pressure  on the defensive. King James has been playing like the king james of old or new posting close to a triple double almost every game hes played in since his first one of the season. The Cavs were under fire for resting him so often this late in the season with such a narrow lead of only two games in the conference and in what seemed to be must win games as well. If you ask me I say keep resting him with the playoffs approaching you want all your players healthy rather , your first or second in the conference your graduteed a spot in the playoffs. Rest and health is more important than placing to me at this point you seen what happened last year with all the injuries and how it effected their chances at winning the finals. So Cavs if your reading this ( highly unlikely) I like your decision to play it smart and rest your players you already have a reservation to the big dance now you just need to make your sure your shoes are polished. Only a few weeks away from the playoffs cant wait to see what happens. Lets Go Cavs. wallpapers stay015

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